We are All Creatives My first blog post in a long time. This is where I will be sharing my own creative tidbits and ideas from my studio. I hope you will follow me and also join my Facebook group

Have you ever wanted your own special design on your stamp? All you need is a big pink eraser and an xecto knife tracing paper to draw the image that you want an ink pen and you are all set to create your own one of a kind stamp. you can draw designs even with sharp ink-less pen.

Creating Layers in Mixed Media

via Creating Layers in Mixed Media

Poetry by Ally Markotich

via Lay Down Your Weapon and Go Hug a Tree

Creating with Joy

Joy of Art Studio Classes and Workshops

Art Program Create at the Joy of Art Studio Art for the Day Science through Art February 4th. 18th and 25th 10-2 February 11th 10-2 Valentines Cupcakes and Heart Art Art Journaling for Teen Girls F…

Source: Joy of Art Studio Classes and Workshops

Winter Arts 2017



January 5th     10-12 Creative Coffee adults

2-3 My First Drawing ages 4-5

4-5:30 Drawing Animals ages 7-9

January 6th     10-2 Home-school Art History the Masters Teens

4-5:30 American Women Artists

4-5:30 7-9 PM Art Night for Creative adults

January 7th      10-2 Saturday Art for t he Day North and South Pole Animals

4-5:30 Journaling for Teen Girls

January 9th 10-1:30 Home-school ancient history through Art Ages 9-12

4-5:30 Colored Pencil Techniques Ages 12-14

January 11th Art Day

Beginning Drawing 4-5:30

January 7-9 PM Women Who Run with the Wolves book study women

January 14th 10-2 Grassland Animals

4-5:30    Journaling and Anime Selfiie

January 18th 7-9 PM Women of Wisdom Women

January 22nd 1-5 PM Mandala and the Self women

January 28th 10-2 I Love Horses

4-5:30 The Figure and Anime

Joy of Art Studio291872_359357247493750_576570443_n283354_359359554160186_2079845556_n189900_359372440825564_214412160_nMixed  Mediacreative surfaces534533_359350460827762_1422237615_nDSC0254911289510_823322637759349_8351659389005452127_o10636091_10152678120103415_8028655902236085123_n



Fall fest and Meet the Artists (2)101MSDCF6MOV054471-001DSC0610710616226_10205431298487733_5116915968358335839_n101MSDCF12Art and Soul2Videos1Eco artJoy Painting 269445_359373574158784_1327180312_nDSC05302grid-drawinga5f5e-doodleadayJoy in her studio journaling101MSDCF1-001DSC04027Joy's Little ArtstsJoy's Creative Spacejoy,s blog 2John James Audubon and AnimalsEco Art and CollageEasel Painting and SunflowersDSC09574DSC06486DSC06479DSC05522dsc01477dsc00605drawing-the-faceDSC07949joy-journaling-in-her-studio-1816fd-joyofartstudio



Happy Thanksgiving

Photo post by @joyofartstudio.

Source: Happy Thanksgiving

I am Free

I celebrate freedom and the gift of unique expression in all that I am and do. I accept and respect those rights of others and their individual freedom to be who they are without expectations What …

Source: I am Free

Joy’s Creative Studio

Create with Joy and Discover Your Own Creative Self 910-528-7283 joyof_art@msn.com

Source: Joy’s Creative Studio

Where Creatity Happens

Joy’s Studio Where creativity happens

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Mixed Media Medley; Create Outside of the Box Online E Course

Mixed Media Medley; Create Outside of the Box 

  E Course

  5 week workshop that will teach you how to work with very unconventional materials and techniques. 

         Discover how to take ordinary, found objects and throw- a-ways to transform and create fabulous art including art dolls, and jewelry as well as a wall piece that everyone of your friends will drool over and want!

              Unique and one-of a kind.

 It will include four PDFs and how to videos as well an online Facebook group to connect with me as well as others who are taking the workshop 

      $70.00 ( $60.00 if you register before September 5th)   Begins October1st – 29th

 Material will be listed for each project and  class

                  Joy of Art Studio



     only requirement 

                  Permission to


                                         explore   have fun 










Joy of Art Studio is a creative space for all ages. I teach art skills creative crafts, integrative art, art history, creative workshops for adults  and help develop creativity in both children and…

Source: About

Soul Collage and Tarot My Own Journey


I wanted to share how wonderful this class has been for me in both my art and self discovery. During the twenty-two weeks of collage and study, I followed along and not only did a journal of collage work based on each Tarot card but also did some journaling where I wrote my own interpretation of the imagery and symbols that I put together. I enjoyed the process of gathering the imagery up for the collage and learning much more about the card from what Stephanie shared in the group with us. I loved the support of the other members when I checked in and even when I did not have time to do that, I still completed the class all the way to the end. I would also recommend this class to anyone who wanted to learn more about the Tarot in a creative method. The only thing for me that was sad is when the process ended. I found doing this really reinforced my own creative process and even reflected in my art as well as in the women’s Oasis group that I run at my studio. Stephanie is a powerful teacher and I am looking forward to doing another one of her classes in the future.

Joy Hellman




Monday Morning Meet Your Muse with Joy Hellman

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Eco Jewelry
Monday Morning Meet Your Muse

next 30 day This time will use the book Celebrate Your Creative Self and the project techniques if you want to join purchase the book and join me in the creative discovery, exploration, expression and fun. Will also be doing Monday Morning Meet Your Muse if you want to join joyof_art@msn.com 910-528-7283 will include vdeos of my process this is a great book for creative discovery and discovery




Thirty Days of Painting

2Thirty Days of Painting and my  preparation  for the creative process during the month . I will be showing both in photos and videos what I am doing if you want to join contact me here





Summer Arts Begins June 13th

Summer Arts at the Joy of Art Studio   June 13th 10-2 Register through joyof_art@msn.com or call Joy Hellman  910-528-7283 $25.00 5 classes for $100.00  If you  put a group together 8 or mo…

Source: Summer Arts Begins June 13thFacebook page

Life is but a Dream

Death is Sleep

Death is but a deep sleep upon which when we awake we find that this life was only a dream….

I am the Seed of Myself Becoming

11024608_10153130397803415_6116797232135863235_nI am the Seed of My Becoming Self


I am the seed of my becoming self.    

I am the roots connected to the Source.

I am the buds and flowers bringing forth the fruit of my dreams.

I am the branches reaching for my full potential.

I am the tree of my tomorrow.

Each thought is a seed that I plant today that brings forth the tree of my tomorrow.

As I cling to the roots of the Source by which all life flows, the tree of my self will be strong healthy and stand tall with my branches in the heavens and my roots in the earth.

I am the seed of my becoming self.

I am Wise Woman

There is a part of me that is the Knower of all
things and when I am ready to remember, Wisdom is there waiting to be tapped into.
In this season of preparation, of challenging old beliefs that bind me to the past, there is a calling in me to live the Wisdom, which is deep within.

It is that Wisdom, which leads me to the place that I need to be and calls me to climb the next mountain: to spread my wings: to forge the unknown landscapes.

It is that Wisdom which tells me to listen to my own being and hear the voice of authenticity, to act according to my own truth.

It is that Wisdom, which says that life is a journey and that I am being brought forth on that journey to find what is Truth: to seek love and peace on my Life Path.

It is that wonderful Wisdom that gives me the eyes to see, the ears to hear, and a new vision to live.

I listen to my inner Wisdom as it speaks and I heed Her calling which whispers and tells me to prepare for something new: brings me a new vision, new hope, and a new promise.

Sophia Goddess of Wisdom

Morning Practice

1488209_236987563143016_1766321361_nMy Meaningful Morning Practice


My mornings begin at 4:30 waking up with my husband. I have my coffee with him and do my journaling. This is when I come up with my greatest ideas during that journaling time and implement them that day.. It could be an idea for a creative project, something I want to share in my blog, Face book group, a meditation that I want to focus on that morning or just a new class that I want to do that week with my students..

  I listen to an affirmation while I am getting ready for my morning meditation to change the state of my mind into a more receptive channel for silence. . 

I sit down at my alter that I have set up for my mediation and light a tea candle;. Sometimes I also choose a particular song that is inspiring as a meditation and or a reading from The Essene Book of Days as a focus.

 After I sit for my meditation, I cover myself with a shawl that is a symbol for enclosing me in spirit and being ready for my sitting. I meditate for twenty minutes and afterwards I do a ritual that I made up. I use oil on my forehead and say May my inner eye be open to truth beyond illusion. May I be consciously awake and aware.  I touch my heart and say May my heart be open to love in all that I am and do. I touch my wrists and say May my hands be open to service of goodness. I have a glass of water on my alter and I drink it three times saying I drink deep the water of life and at he last drop of water I say I am one with the Source. Then I use the Affirmation Something exciting and good will happen today I look forward to it with expectation awareness and enthusiasm.


I have also started doing a blessing bowl where I add things I am grateful for that day.

I do a one –three Tarot card reading and journal about that and what it might mean for me.

After that I do my posting on my blog and update that.


While listening to an inspiring audio or video. I find that having a morning practice gives me a focus and intention for the day.


What is your morning practice and how do you use it to center for the day? What tools or ongoing methods do you use. If you do not have a morning practice, what would you like to do this year as a morning practice for yourself